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Thanksgiving day, thank you for your companionship and support in 2015

Today is Thanksgiving day, thank you for your companionship and support in 2015, appreciate have you in my life.

May your life be blessed with joy, love and miracles. In this special day, our company through a small dinner to

thank all staff for their hard working, thank each other with the support of various departments, thank you sprint

in the last two months, thank each accompany on the way of struggle.

After dinner, We held a photoshop game. The theme of this photoshop is find the beauty, delivery the beauty. Six

group participate in this game, each group have five person.

Each team, each member threw himself into the game, they match the overall layout, color, product selection,

details of the deal in all aspects under the foot work, all want to hand in a satisfactory work, competing for the


Now, let us see the works. The first group's work is a heart-shape, include many beautiful flowers and marble

countertop. The color is every beautiful. The second group's work reflecting the beauty of team. They put The
flowers, stone, the philosophy, team work together perfectly. The third group's work reflecting the beauty of

stone and professionalization. The fourth group's work reflects the beauty of life. The fourth group's work

reflects the beauty of life. The fifth group's work is a landscape painting, it made from coffee color marble

border, white marble, writing and flowers.There products put the stone and flower cleverly combined together. Very

nice. The sixth group's work reflects the beauty of flowers.

Which team will win? you guess. Finally, the The fifth group win the champion -- The landscape painting.

Through this activity, all of us all think beauty is everywhere, we need to use our eyes to see and hearts to

feel. Flower is a kind of beauty, stone is a kind of beauty, also the performance is a kind of beauty.
