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How to Remove Lime From Quartz Countertops-Benyee Quartz

How to Remove Lime From Quartz Countertops

Quartz countertops’ luxurious hues and brilliant luster give kitchens a refined appearance. Although practically stain resistant, quartz countertops may encounter water-related blemishes, such as limescale. Minerals in tap water transfer from cookware, dishes and drinking glasses onto quartz countertops. Furthermore, cleaning and rinsing quartz countertops with hard water also produces limescale, especially when homeowners neglect to dry them. Limescale typically appears as pale white film, and becomes more bonded to quartz countertop surfaces over time. Promptly remove limescale from quartz countertops using certain supplies.
·         Douse the limescale-stained portion of the quartz countertop liberally with non-acidic limescale remover. Follow the limescale product’s label.
·         Moisten a cloth with distilled water. Wipe the non-acidic product and dissolved limescale off the countertop.
·         Examine the countertop for stubborn limescale. If crusty white residue persists, saturate it in more non-acidic limescale remover.
·         Scrub the saturated limescale with dry, 0000-grade steel wool. Rub the steel wool over the quartz using back-and-forth motions until the limescale loosens.
·         Moisten another cloth with distilled water. Wipe the non-acidic product and remaining limescale deposits off the quartz countertop.
·         Wipe the countertop with a towel. Remove all moisture from the quartz.
