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How to Repair Quartz Countertops

Quartz is turned into countertops through a process that takes 100% quartz stones and fuses them together into a large slab to be used in kitchens and baths. The result is one of the sturdiest materials you can use in your home. Quartz is one of the hardest materials on the planet, making it a great choice for countertops. Quartz counters are resistant to cracks and chips and rarely need to be repaired. However, occasional chips do occur and have to be patched.

Check your warranty. The company that sold you the quartz countertop should have supplied you with a copy. Depending on the supplier, you could have a 1- to 10-year warranty on your counters. Contact the supplier for instructions on how to handle any repairs that fall under your warranty.

Clean the counter thoroughly using an ammonia-based cleaner and a clean, dry rag. Be sure to remove all dirt and grime from the counter's surface. Clean the chipped area as well.

Squirt glue into the chip. You can use any fast acting glue, SuperGlue and Gorilla Glue are both good choices. Use just enough glue to fill the chip to the top. This method will work for any chip smaller than a quarter. For bigger chips, contact a professional. Try not to get any glue on the top of the counter's surface. If you do, allow it to dry before removing.

Allow the glue to cure for 24 hours. You want to make sure the glue is completely set. Twenty-four hours should be enough time for the glue to adhere completely to the inside of the chipped area.

Hold a razor blade at a 45-degree angle at the edge of the chip and glue, flush with the counter. Scrape across the top of the glue to cut away any dried glue from the top of the counter. Scrape the blade back and forth a couple of times until you feel that the surface is perfectly flat and smooth. Use the razor blade to remove any other glue that needs to be removed due to spills or over-application of the glue. Keep the sharp edge of the blade pointed away from you to avoid cutting yourself. If you are working with a chip on the edge of the counter, use fine grit sandpaper to sand the glue from the counter's surface.

Wipe the countertop with a damp rag to remove the glue shavings.
